
Visit a farm
Paint a self-portrait
Dress up like a pirate
Go on a walk during autumn
Make leaf rubbings
Make a sandwich
Taste a new fruit or vegetable
Throw a snowball
Fly a kite
Make a paper boat and see if it floats
Perform and sing a song
Re-tell a story to the class
See the sunrise
Create something using blocks or Lego
Help adults with household chores
Search for insects/minibeasts
Take a photograph
Make a treasure map
Meet a friend’s pet
Have a teddy bear’s picnic

Year 1

Make some biscuits
Make and taste food from a different culture
Borrow a book from the library
Make a puppet and put on a puppet show
Listen to a new type of music
Create a piece of art and share it with your class
Discover what is in a pond
Search for insects or small creatures
Dress up like a character from a story
Button and unbutton a shirt on your own
Create a comic strip
Bring something to present for show and tell
Learn hello, goodbye & thanks in a new language
Vote in a School Council Election
Perform a song
Go on a picnic
Visit the woods and collect natural materials
See the sunset
Roll down a hill
Compete in an egg and spoon race

Year 2

Start a collection (e.g., coins, stamps, etc.)
Measure your height over the course of a year
Learn a poem off by heart
Walk along a river
Play a board game
Dress up as a superhero
Write a weather report for your class
Build a boat and see if it floats
Create a potion or ‘marvelous medicine’
Write a letter or card and post it to someone
Learn how to tie your shoelaces
Learn something about your family history
Learn a nursery rhyme or song in Spanish
Plant some seeds and watch them grow
Visit animals in their habitat or on a farm
Make a bug hotel or home for a small creature
Look up at the stars on a clear night
Make up your own game and teach it to others
Try yoga
Create your own hat and wear it

Year 3

Create a piece of music
Take a trip to the seaside
Eat something you’ve never tried before
Create a mosaic
Design and make a board game or toy
Walk to a local landmark
Complete a running lap around the school
Play a homemade musical instrument
Learn to play a game of cards
Look up where you live on a map
Create a painting of a landscape
Make a dessert
Prepare your own packed lunch
Complete an obstacle course
Visit a place of worship
Make an informational Science poster
Watch a short play you can perform
Visit a museum
Create and perform a dance

Year 4

Make chocolate
Create a display of your interests
Memorise and recite your 1-12 times tables
Watch a play or dance performance
Set up a scavenger hunt for friends or family
Keep a journal or diary for a week
Use a map to explore your local area
Make a sculpture out of recycled materials
Learn to swim
Sleep away from home for a night
Join an extra-curricular club
Visit a place of worship different from your own
Have a day where you don’t look at screens
Visit and interview someone in a care home
Describe something in Spanish
Visit a new city
Learn to play a game of cards
Perform in a play
Try a new food with your family in a restaurant
Create your own short storybook