At East Lane Primary School, we have very high expectations for attendance and punctuality. There is a strong correlation between good attendance and strong outcomes for students which, in turn, provides them with more options for their future. Our minimum attendance level is 97%.

To help you achieve this we have:

  • Regular reward assemblies
  • Certificates
  • Letters
  • First day call home
  • Designated attendance team
  • Strong pastoral support
  • Multi-agency support

We aim to ensure that all children attend school regularly and on time to enable them to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available.

Meet the Team

Ms Kumar – Attendance Champion

Ms Malik- Attendance Officer

Key Information for Parents

The school’s target for student attendance is 97% and above.

PercentageLoss of Learning
100% – 99%0-10 hours of learning lostExcellent
98%4 days off 20 hours of learning lostVery good Keep it up
97%6 days off 30 hours of learning lostExpected Keep going
96%7.5 days off 37.5 hours of learning lostBelow school target
95% – 93% 9.5 – 17 days off 47.5- 85 hours of learning lost  Careful – Your child can’t afford to have any more time off. If not – they could begin to struggle in their learning and will not achieve the progress they are capable of. Do you really want them to fall behind in their learning?
92% – 90%19-25 days off 95-125 hours of learning lostAny student whose attendance falls below 90% is classed as ‘persistently absent’. P.A. Persistent Absentee
Below 89%27 and above days off 135 + hours of learning lostFurther absence will trigger possible legal action, including fixed- penalty notices.

Give your child the start in life they deserve & bring them to school.

Parent can support regular school attendance by:

  • Making sure their child leaves for school with plenty of time to arrive on time.
  • Supporting and encouraging their child by attending parents’ evenings and other events.
  • Contacting the school to discuss any concerns regarding their child’s attendance.
  • Working in partnership with the school to resolve any issues that are impacting on their child’s attendance.
  • Making any medical appointments outside of school hours whenever possible.
  • Not taking children out of school for holidays in term time or for other unnecessary absences.


It is important that students are punctual so that they do not miss out on the beginning of each school day. Students must attend registration on time (by 8.00am) to be given a present mark. Arrival after the start of morning registration but before the close of register will be recorded as late (L code as per DFE compulsory attendance codes).

Where a student arrives after the register closes it will be recorded as unauthorised absence (U code as per DFE compulsory attendance codes).


If a child is absent, parents should contact the school by 8:30am on the first day to inform of the reason for absence. Parents are expected to maintain contact with the school throughout the absence.
The school runs a first day absence procedure via a call before 9:00am (wherever possible) for students where a reason for absence has not been obtained.

If staff are unable to contact parents/named adults on the contact list or ascertain the reasons for a child absence this may be followed up by a home visit conducted by the attendance team. Attendance concerns will be referred to the Local Authority Attendance Officer.

Requests for Leave of Absence (Exceptional Circumstances)

Family holidays should be taken during the School holiday period. Leave will not be granted for family holidays, unless under exceptional circumstances.

Requests for leave of absence for family holiday should be made using the official leave of absence request form, which you can collect from School Reception or click the link below to download a copy.

Downloads and Links

Is my child too ill for school?

Should I keep my child off school guidance poster