
  • Integrity means distinguishing right from wrong and doing the right thing. Integrity also requires courage and accountability. We deliver work of the highest quality (by our standards as well as those of our students and their families).
  • We deliver what we say we will. We share our professional judgements with students and their families – even those that may be unpopular – in a manner that is both candid and respectful.


  • We respect the capacity and desire for personal growth in our students and staff. We treat people with consideration. We value ideas on their merit.
  • We recognise that respect requires both truthfulness and empathy. We deal with one another in an open and honest way. We encourage constructive criticism. We reward performance and contribution consistent with our values. We lead by example.
  • We thrive knowing that ours is a demanding profession. We accept this responsibility as a trust, as schools and as individuals.


  • We strive for a diverse workplace. It is fundamental to our success that we accept, value, and integrate the contributions of people. Diversity of thought, expertise, experience, and background are important in creating an environment in which creative tensions are harnessed and new ideas emerge.
  • We are committed to WMAT being an institution in which all individuals have an opportunity to flourish and succeed, regardless of their age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, race, religion, belief or sexual orientation.

Student Achievement

  • We measure our success by our students’ success. We make all our resources available to our students and commit ourselves wholeheartedly to their success. In trade-offs between staff and a student’s interest, the student comes first.
  • Strategy matters. We seek competitive advantage for our students. Our approach is to consider the education agenda as a whole, the competition, and its dynamics. Valid data, rigorous analyses, external perspectives, root causes, and explicit logic serve as our foundations for objective decision-making.
  • Our standards for progress and value added are extremely high. Our work helps change, as necessary, the mindset of our staff and students. We make sure we enhance student capabilities and deliver for them exceptional examination performances. We hold ourselves accountable for this.

Working in Teams  

  • WMAT schools are divided into departments and teams. In these teams, staff work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging. We know that teamwork is essential to the success of our students. We want to strengthen our students’ capabilities and be a catalyst for change in their lives. Each student is unique, and there is seldom only one solution. We believe that breakthrough ideas often result from the work of teams seeking to creatively solve real achievement challenges.

Sharing our Success

  • We seek to extend the art and science of teaching and school leadership by generalising from our experience. We seek to have a positive and lasting impact beyond the multiacademy trust domain.
  • We believe we can contribute to the changing educational landscape, both directly through our student work and through our work with other trusts, schools and national organisations.