Reception Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Ms. Brazell

R.1 Poppy Class – Ms. Moore

R.2 Bluebell Class – Ms. Sultana

R.3 Sunflower Class – Ms. Arjunan

Reception Recommended Reading

Staggered Entry

All children will have a staggered start to Reception, so that they have enough time to settle and familiarise themselves with their new setting. Staggered start will begin from Monday 9th September. Monday 16th September, all children will start school full time.

What is being in Reception like?

Throughout their time in Reception, children will engage with the Foundation Stage Curriculum. This curriculum is made of seven areas of learning, three prime areas and four specific areas. The prime areas are personal, social and emotional development, physical development and communication and language. The specific areas are literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. It is key that children engage with activities which develop their skills throughout these areas and set a foundation for learning that is fundamental in securing positive educational outcomes for pupils. In Reception, learning takes place in many different ways through child initiated and adult led activities. The foundation stage curriculum places a great emphasis on children being active learners that are guided to explore and understand the world around them. At the end of Reception, children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals.

Year 1

Year 1 Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Ms Siddiq

1.1 Form Tutor – Mr Delloul

1.2 Form Tutor – Ms Staleska

1.3 Form Tutor – Ms Arora

The children also have a number of different subject specialist teachers teaching across the curriculum.

Reading and Homework

Homework Schedule

Homework is assigned weekly – given out on a Tuesday and expected back on the following Monday. Children are also expected to read daily (for at least 20 minutes), practise their times tables and learn their weekly spellings. Please see below a reminder of all homework set:

Day GivenHomeworkDue In
DailyRead for at least 20 minutes to an adultDaily
TuesdayEnglish homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayMaths  homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdaySuper Star Writing homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayOther Subject e.g. History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, REFollowing Monday
MondaySpellingsTested on following Tuesday
OngoingArithmetic including Times tablesTested weekly in Maths lessons – ‘Maths Passports’


Pupils should use their planners to make notes of homework/general reminders. Parents and teachers are also able to use them as a method of communication. Planners need to be checked and signed by both parents and teachers on a weekly basis.

Physical Education

Pupil have two PE lessons a week which is taught by a specialist teacher. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and then takes it home again on a Friday if needed. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with full name and class.

1.1Wednesday and Friday
1.2Tuesday and Wednesday
1.3Monday and Thursday

Year 2

Year 2 Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Ms Siddiq

2.1 Form Tutor – Ms Mulla

2.2 Form Tutor – Mr Taherifard

2.3 Form Tutor – Ms Breen

The children also have a number of different subject specialist teachers teaching across the curriculum.

Year 2 Homework and Reading


Homework is assigned weekly – given out on a Tuesday and expected back on the following Monday. Children are also expected to read daily (for at least 20 minutes), practise their times tables and learn their weekly spellings. Please see below a reminder of all homework set:

Day GivenHomeworkDue In
DailyRead for at least 20 minutes to an adultDaily
TuesdayEnglish homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayMaths  homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdaySuper Star Writing homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayOther Subject e.g. History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, REFollowing Monday
MondaySpellingsTested on following Tuesday
OngoingArithmetic including Times tablesTested weekly in Maths lessons – ‘Maths Passports’


Pupils should use their planners to make notes of homework/general reminders. Parents and teachers are also able to use them as a method of communication. Planners need to be checked and signed by both parents and teachers on a weekly basis.

Physical Education

Pupil have two PE lessons a week which is taught by a specialist teacher. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and then take them home again on a Friday if needed. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with full name and class.

2.1Wednesday and Friday
2.2Tuesday and Wednesday
2.3Thursday and Friday

Year 3

Year 3 Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Mr Veater

3.1 Form Tutor – Ms Bishouty

3.2 Form Tutor – Ms Yousif

3.3 Form Tutor – Ms Seow

The children also have a number of different subject specialist teachers teaching across the curriculum.

Year 3 Reading and Homework


Homework is assigned weekly – given out on a Tuesday and expected back on the following Monday. Children are also expected to read daily (for at least 20 minutes), practise their times tables and learn their weekly spellings. Please see below a reminder of all homework set:

Day GivenHomeworkDue In
DailyRead for at least 20 minutes to an adultDaily
TuesdayEnglish homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayMaths  homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdaySuper Star Writing homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayOther Subject e.g. History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, REFollowing Monday
MondaySpellingsTested on following Tuesday
OngoingArithmetic including Times tablesTested weekly in Maths lessons – ‘Maths Passports’


Pupils should use their planners to make notes of homework/general reminders. Parents and teachers are also able to use them as a method of communication. Planners need to be checked and signed by both parents and teachers on a weekly basis.

Physical Education

Pupil have two PE lessons a week which is taught by a specialist teacher. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and then takes it home again on a Friday if needed. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with full name and class.

3.1Wednesday and Thursday
3.2Monday and Thursday
3.3Tuesday and Thursday

Year 4

Year 4 Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Mr Veater

4.1 Form Tutor – Ms Chandler

4.2 Form Tutor – Mr Cooke

4.3 Form Tutor – Ms Mirzaei

4.4 Form Tutor – Ms Kerai

The children also have a number of different subject specialist teachers teaching across the curriculum.

Year 4 Reading and Homework


Homework is assigned weekly – given out on a Tuesday and expected back on the following Monday. Children are also expected to read daily (for at least 20 minutes), practise their times tables and learn their weekly spellings. Please see below a reminder of all homework set:

Day GivenHomeworkDue In
DailyRead for at least 20 minutes to an adultDaily
TuesdayEnglish homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayMaths  homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdaySuper Star Writing homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayOther Subject e.g. History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, REFollowing Monday
MondaySpellingsTested on following Tuesday
OngoingArithmetic including Times tablesTested weekly in Maths lessons – ‘Maths Passports’


Pupils should use their planners to make notes of homework/general reminders. Parents and teachers are also able to use them as a method of communication. Planners need to be checked and signed by both parents and teachers on a weekly basis.

Physical Education

Pupil have two PE lessons a week which is taught by a specialist teacher. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and then takes it home again on a Friday if needed. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with full name and class.

4.1Wednesday and Friday
4.2Monday and Thursday
4.3Thursday and Friday
4.4Monday and Friday

Year 5

Year 5 Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Mr McNeill

5.1 Form Tutor – Ms Caprani

5.2 Form Tutor – Ms Mahmood

5.3 Form Tutor – Ms Mawn

Year 5 Reading and Homework

The children also have a number of different subject specialist teachers teaching across the curriculum.


Homework is assigned weekly – given out on a Tuesday and expected back on the following Monday. Children are also expected to read daily (for at least 20 minutes), practise their times tables and learn their weekly spellings. Please see below a reminder of all homework set:

Day GivenHomeworkDue In
DailyRead for at least 20 minutes to an adultDaily
TuesdayEnglish homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayMaths  homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdaySuper Star Writing homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayOther Subject e.g. History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, REFollowing Monday
MondaySpellingsTested on following Tuesday
OngoingArithmetic including Times tablesTested weekly in Maths lessons – ‘Maths Passports’


Pupils should use their planners to make notes of homework/general reminders. Parents and teachers are also able to use them as a method of communication. Planners need to be checked and signed by both parents and teachers on a weekly basis.

Physical Education

Pupil have two PE lessons a week which is taught by a specialist teacher. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and then takes it home again on a Friday if needed. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with full name and class.

5.1Thursday and Friday
5.2Tuesday and Thursday
5.3Thursday and Friday

Year 6

Year 6 Team

Assistant  Headteacher – Mr McNeill

6.1 Form Tutor – Mr Anyanwu

6.2 Form Tutor – Mr Moitra

6.3 Form Tutor – Ms Kell

The children also have a number of different subject specialist teachers teaching across the curriculum.

Year 6 Reading and Homework


Homework is assigned weekly – given out on a Tuesday and expected back on the following Monday. Children are also expected to read daily (for at least 20 minutes), practise their times tables and learn their weekly spellings. Please see below a reminder of all homework set:

Day GivenHomeworkDue In
DailyRead for at least 20 minutes to an adultDaily
TuesdayEnglish homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayMaths  homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdaySuper Star Writing homeworkFollowing Monday
TuesdayOther Subject e.g. History, Geography, Science, Music, Art, REFollowing Monday
MondaySpellingsTested on following Tuesday
OngoingArithmetic including Times tablesTested weekly in Maths lessons – ‘Maths Passports’


Pupils should use their planners to make notes of homework/general reminders. Parents and teachers are also able to use them as a method of communication. Planners need to be checked and signed by both parents and teachers on a weekly basis.

Physical Education

Pupil have two PE lessons a week which is taught by a specialist teacher. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and then takes it home again on a Friday if needed. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with full name and class.

6.1Monday and Tuesday
6.2Wednesday and Friday
6.3Tuesday and Friday